Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Nine Days of Knitting - Tutorial and Knitalong - Day 3

So your scarf is starting to really look like a serious knitting project, huh?!  Aren't you proud of yourself?!  I'm proud of you!  So let's continue on Day 3 of The Nine Days of Knitting...

Ok, the knitting portion of our presentation today isn't that exciting, so I thought I'd tell you how I learned to knit.  Hopefully, it will encourage our knewbies to keep trying no matter what!

I learned to crochet when I was 10, in Girl Scouts.  Petey Leopold's mom taught me.  It was love at first chain.  I made my mom this horrendous, 1970's gold, funky shaped potholder.  Like I said - horrendous, and not just the awful color either.  I forgot to chain one when I turned about halfway up on one side, so I guess I discovered ergonomics before it was really a thing.  But, it gave me such a boost - I could finally do something that my mom could do, and she was amazing at so many things.

But not teaching me how to knit...

My mom was ambidextrous.  She could do anything with both hands.  When she knit, she used her right hand, and when she purled, she used her left.  Like I said the other day, I'm terminally right handed.  I can't knit that way.

I tried and tried on my own - no luck.

My super-over-achiever nuclear physicist sister (yes, she really is a nuclear physicist) pulled out one of my mom's books one day and taught herself.  Yeah, that did a lot for my self-confidence.

I tried and tried again - and still no luck.

Finally, our local Michael's store offered a class.  For my 39th birthday, I signed myself and Princess up.  I finally got it because this type of knitting is all right-hand-based.  I may not be as fast with my needles as I am with a hook, but I can now call myself a knitter.

And Petey's mom made us promise that we would someday share our skills with others, so they could learn too.

Someday, I'll teach you about pretzels and bunnies, but I digress...

Our job for today is to continue in pattern for 10 more inches.  Your scarf should be 20" from the corner of the point.

K2, yo, k2tog, k across

Keep those sticks clickin'!

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