Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Nine Days of Knitting - Tutorial and Knitalong - Day 6

So we are 6 days into our Nine Days of Knitting.  Hopefully, you were able to find some knitting time the last few days.

Just wanted to share with you some upcoming posts:  Twenty-Five Days of Christmas Treats; Home Management 101 (for the New Year); monthly Craftivism Challenges; Giveaways; Knock-off Patterns, and much, much more!

So, today, we continue knitting in blue.  Ten more inches, same pattern:  k2, yo, k2tog, k across.  By now, you should be feeling pretty confident.  This is why scarves make the BEST project to learn knitting and crocheting techniques.  The rows generally aren't that long, so you get plenty of practice turning your work, and by the time you make a piece that long, you really have the hang of making the stitches (or pattern).

Congratulate yourself - you really ARE a knitter now!  YAY YOU!

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